Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Two Cents, Please!

  Oh my acting career!  To say it's been a dry spell for me the past few months would be quite the understatement.  Not just in terms of booking bupkis, but also in terms of auditions.  Or rather complete lack of auditions!  So, I've stewed about this long enough.  Time to take some action!  Earlier this week I shot off this email to my reps:

I've been wondering... do you think changing my look might help me out?  I'm really open to almost anything at this point: short hair, change hair color, become a scientologist, anything!  Let me know if you have any thoughts on that.

But I'd also like your two cents.  What if I cut my hair?  Say chin length?  Shorter (keep in mind my ears REALLY stick out)? Blonder?  Are there just a few too many blondes out here?  What if I went brunette?  A redhead?  I'm open!  

Here are some more pics of what I look like now, that I just happened to have online:


Thanks and Happy Tuesday!!!


  1. I just got back from a comm audition and one lady mentioned how she used to be blond too. She added a little red and brown for a softer darker strawberry blond and cut her hair chin length. She says she goes out ALL the time because now she has the hair to match her mom age.
    Try it! A few shades darker and to your chin.

    Ears that stick out are cute.

  2. I like it! But I kind of think I have "mom hair" already. My reps are very on the fence about me doing anything. Thanks SO much for the input Lira!
