Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Standing Corrected

  OK, so I didn't do my homework.  In my blog post, "The Issue of the Core," I discussed the subject of claiming financial core status with SAG, but I didn't research the origins of it.  By virtue of its title, I had always assumed it was intended for actors to have the opportunity to find work outside of their union if they found themselves in financial dire straits.  Mike Kraft pointed out, that's just wrong.  It was actually intended to give a SAG member the option to resign from their union in order to avoid paying for the political activities of the union.  Essentially the member could pay only the "financial core" amount of dues, which were not to be used for political purposes.

I looked into it.  In a 1963 Supreme Court ruling called NLRB v. GENERAL MOTORS. This ruling says,
“The burdens of membership upon which employment may be conditioned are expressly limited to the payment of initiation fees and monthly dues. It is permissible to condition employment upon membership, but membership, insofar as it has significance to employment rights, may in turn be conditioned only upon payment of fees and dues. “Membership” as a condition of employment is whittled down to its financial core.”

So, it was born out of a desire to have dues money used only for the purposes of collective bargaining activities, and not lobbying for legislation, etc.... and not so union actors could act in non-union projects.  The fact that they can do that, is in fact, a legal loop hole.

Ironically enough, while I wouldn't want to claim financial core status to do non-union work, I would appreciate having control over how my dues are used. Learning this information made me more interested in financial core than before.

The bottom line is, whatever a SAG member's intentions are for choosing fi-core status, it is in fact the legal right of every guild member to do so.  Knowing that, how ethical is it that when you go to SAG's website to learn about what it is, you are served this jargon: 

"Fi-Core/FPNM are viewed as scabs or anti-union by SAG members, directors, and writers..."    "IT MAY BE YOUR RIGHT, BUT IS IT RIGHT FOR YOU?  YOUR CAREER?  YOUR FAMILY?"

Wouldn't it be a more intelligent, and certainly more ethical approach to try to educate performers on what it is, what it means, and what it does, rather than try to scare or threaten them (and their family) out of something that is their legal right? 

I'm just sayin'... 

I Don't Want My MTV

Today I have a plea.  Not a rant, not a bitch-fest, a plea.  HEAR ME MTV.  PLEASE STOP MAKING TELEVISION SHOWS!  After careful consideration, your programming line-up has been deemed vacuous, incendiary and void of any and all substance.  When I was a child, I watched Madonna, Motley Crue and  The Bangles on MTV, in MUSIC VIDEOS. That’s what the “M” used to stand for.  Now it stands for MalevolentMTV used to be the most relevant source of music and music news to its young audience.  Kids would rush home from school to catch World Premiere Videos, MTV Unplugged, and Total Request Live (TRL).  Personally, on Saturday nights I stayed up late for the Headbangers Ball.  Today, our youth (and some not so youthful) are assaulted with programs such as “Tila Tequila, a Shot at Love.”  This abysmal dreg of society looking for bi-sexual staged relationships, recently took full publicity stunt advantage of her “fiancée’s” death.  The late Casey Johnson (Johnson & Johnson heiress), was found dead at age 30 earlier this month and had apparently been dead for several days before her cleaning lady found her.  Clearly what would happen to someone in a loving relationship.  Tila “grieved” on Twitter, saying “My wifey’s not dead, she’s just in a coma!!!  Omg!!!”  And then there’s Heidi Montag of “The Hills”, who recently plotted with her creepy husband Spencer to buy herself some press by apparently getting ten plastic surgeries in a day.  Something you really want insecure, adolescent girls who watch MTV to idolize.  I feel dirty just writing about these people.  This all brings me to the man of the hour.  Markice “Kesan” Moore  reality star of MTV’s “From G’s to Gents” is currently wanted by Georgia police for beating his one-year-old daughter.  He’s accused of accused of breaking both of his infant daughter’s arms, one leg, 3 ribs, a collarbone and bruising all over her body. I hope he and MTV die a painful death.  I just hope MTV dies much faster.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Fear Sells! Just Ask My Sorority!

  Today's (or tonight's) post starts with a confession.  I watch "90210" :)  No, my Tivo is not set to it, but I started watching it when I discovered an actress (unknown at the time) I did a film with last year, had joined the main cast.  So, I'll blame it on Gillian Zinser that when I'm working out and need a brainless, visual distraction, I'll watch an episode online.  

Watching episodes of anything online, means you're going to watch a commercial at every break. Often it's the same damn commercial or at least the same advertiser.  And catering to 90210's young, female audience, the wizards at pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline, took this brilliant opportunity to sling their vaccine Cervarix, with a fear-based advertising campaign.  Scenarios were about the same, a young, pretty girl answers the phone, "Where's Julie?"...  "Oh, she's in bad shape, she's not coming out tonight."...  "What a wimp!" ... "She found out she has cervical cancer.  She's only 25.  They don't think she can have kids."  Followed by sad silence.  

OK, don't get me wrong, I'm all for getting vaccinations that you and your doctor think are right for you.  But this vaccine protects women against HPV (Human Papillomavirus).  It's funny, too... a similar vaccine Gardisil from Merck, approved in 2006, used commercials with happy mothers and daughters, who preached getting vaccinated for protection from HPV.  Why does GSK need to go so far to compete as to use the ultimate buzz word, cancer?  

HPV in some cases leads to cervical cancer.  I had HPV.  In fact, all of my girlfriends have had HPV.  Weird?  No!  Over 80 percent of women get HPV.  Bottom line, there's a long road between having HPV and that actually going untreated long enough, to actually go through all the four stages of precancerous HPV, to actually leading to cervical cancer.  It can take YEARS.  And, if detected with a pap smear, it's 100% treatable.  In most cases, the HPV just goes away by itself. 

Taken directly from the CDC's website:

 Most people with HPV do not develop symptoms or health problems from it. In 90% of cases, the body’s immune system clears HPV naturally within two years.  

Each year, about 12,000 women get cervical cancer in the U.S.

According to, Cervical Cancer tends to occur in midlife, so it's pretty doubtful too many of those 12,000 women, were off to their 24th birthday party when they got the news.  

If GlaxoSmithKline were running a PSA on abstinence, I'd say, awesome!  Good for you!  Looking out for today's youth!  But GSK is a profit-driven entity, looking out for themselves, using fear tactics to make money.  Cervarix costs $385 for a three-dose series.  

This is a medical decision, not one that should be inspired by an ad agency's clever terror techniques.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Call it putting negative energy out to the universe if you must, but I HATE L'oreal Extra Volume Collagen Mascara!  I couldn't find my usual Max Factor pick at my last desperate trip to CVS for mascara, so after standing there for several minutes staring at the wall of drugstore make-up, I finally went ahead and chose the one that I thought had a great description, and the packaging looked the most like my beloved Max Factor.  Huge mistake.  Clumpy doesn't begin to describe it.  I always put on my mascara last - the finishing touch.  Not such a nice finishing touch when you end up with clumps of mascara on your eye lids and under your eyes... after you've already finished applying make-up to those areas!  UGH!  No fun to re-do ever, but especially when you're trying to run out the door to work or an audition!  Bottom line, take a look here and don't buy it! 

I've been curious about what women think is the best drugstore mascara on the market?  Everyone has different mascara needs... I am a whitey-white chick.  Even my eyelashes are naturally blonde, so I really need all the help I can get in that department.

Lira Kellerman casts a vote for L'Oreal's Double Extend Mascara.

My main thought on this topic is, mascara has been around for a REALLY long time.  How can a major company still possibly be screwing it up so badly?  Well, according to Lira, they're not screwing it up across the board.  

I'm off to find my Max Factor 2000 Calorie Mascara 201 Rich Black Curved Brush!  HOw could I have ever turned my back on you?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The Issue of The Core

  Over the years I've heard lots of arguments for and against going "financial core."  For anyone unfamiliar with the term, declaring financial core status as an actor means that a current SAG actor can work both SAG jobs and non-union jobs.  SAG calls it being a fee paying non-member.  The drawbacks?  You have to turn in your SAG card, you can't vote in SAG elections and lots of people argue that it weakens the Screen Actors Guild.  If SAG actors are wiling to work for non-union rates, why should producers and/or advertisers spend all the extra money to be a SAG project? 

On one forum an actor argued that the only reason anyone should ever go financial core is if they're a celebrity doing a project for charity that's non-union.  That's just senseless.  Pretty sure the term "financial core" wasn't coined with the intention of taking care of celebrities, but actually out-of-work actors who are having trouble finding employment and making a living in union jobs.

Couldn't one see it as simply a smart business decision?  We spend so much money as actors to train for, market, and pursue our careers, wouldn't going fi-core mean more opportunities to get returns on your investment?  And to actually spend more time and get more experience, acting?

Many would argue the "experience" factor should have been played out before you ever joined SAG.  Again a weak argument in my opinion.  If you've ever been a non-union actor in Los Angeles, it's hard to get an agent to look at you twice unless you're under 18.  You can't get into the union without working union jobs and you can't get union jobs unless you'r in the union.  You can't get an agent without credits and it's hard to get credits without an agent.  Not a simple equation.  Personally, I paid a calling service with connections to slide me into three days of SAG background work before I paid the nearly $1200 (at that time) to get my SAG card.  

I'm not fi-core, nor am I considering it.  But I certainly don't have a die-hard opinion against it.  If you ask me what really weakens the union, the first thought that comes to mind is the Commercial Strike of 2000.  What a disaster.  Advertisers found during this time that there were plenty of non-union actors willing to work for lots less money, and plenty of them had the chops for the job, without question.  Result?  Once the strike was over, many of those advertisers never or seldom went back to using union actors.  And the commercial residuals SAG fought so hard for?  SAG commercials used to pay a big, fat flat rate for a commercial spot, not pay per play.  Would have been nice for all those folks in that last decade that booked spots that never ran or ran once.

I asked an agent once what he thought about financial core and he said, "In my experience, for actors who go "fi-core," casting directors start to see them as a non-union actors and tend to put them out of the category for union jobs.  And we don't want that."  True.  We don't want that.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Sound of My Voice?

  One part of the business that still remains a relative mystery to me is voiceover work.  The idea sounds fantastic!  No worries about hair, make-up, wardrobe or whether or not I'm having a fat day.  It seems to be the one area of show business where talent is in fact, the winning factor in who gets the job.  Unless of course, that voice comes from a name who is up for the same role.  That name is, as a rule, the universal winning factor.  Oh, to have a name!

So how do you get into voiceover work?  The short answer is, I have no idea.  Many friends who have a voiceover agent "fell into it" while pursuing in a smaller market, such as Chicago, San Francisco or even New York.  Well, no such fall for me to date.  I did however attempt to send off a voiceover audition to a casting director recently.  Failure ensued.  Not in the performance, but in my technology crisis.  Turns out the sound recorder on my Blackberry saves it as a file that can't be opened on anything other than a Blackberry.  Also learned that the microphone for my PC is a joke.  And not a funny one.

Lessons learned!  So, any tips out there on getting into voiceover work?  Do you really need a V.O. reel?  And if I do, couldn't I just get some copy and record it myself?  Anyone have a PC microphone that they recommend?  I'm listening!  

Have a great weekend!!


Friday, March 26, 2010

My Big Break

 I love teaching.  Not as much as I love acting, but man does my job have its perks!  Number one perk being, school vacations!  Yep, just like the kids, I'm on Spring Break!  

Time off is just bliss... usually.  I'm fine with one week, but go longer than that and I get... depressed.  Sounds strange to even admit, but true.  I get sad that I'm not running around being busy, and if it's not  a busy time for me as an actress that fact is amplified, making me sadder!  I am a woman who needs a schedule!  Without it NOTHING gets done and I become a worthless pile of pajamas on the couch.

Actress and awesome friend Jen Nikolaisen got me in the routine of doing yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals.  We used to email them to each other on Sunday nights and then check back in at the end of the week to see how we did.  A very helpful technique!  Thanks Jen!  Expect my goals this Sunday night!  I'm going to sleep in every day I can this week, but by golly I am going to get some stuff done!  Happily!!

Happy Friday Everyone!!  

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Act Like a Puppy!

  In case you haven't heard, I have the world's greatest golden retriever, Bailey.  Bailey is 12 and a half years handsome, and in recent years has been suffering from from arthritis.  He has been taking a pain reliever (NSAID) called Metacam for over a year now.  My vet hasn't expressed any concern over the use of the drug, but it's been bothering me lately.  I wouldn't take a high dose of ibuprofen every day for the rest of my life.  That would damage my organs, wouldn't it?  So wouldn't it damage his? 

Last night I did some research on natural and alternative therapies.  I was heavily leaning towards one of these two products: FlexPet  or Arthro-IonX.  Both are over the counter and had very good reviews all around. 
Looking for real humans with information, I posted on Facebook to see if anyone had opinions about these products.  My friend Richard Morgain responded with a vote for a prescription injectable called  Adequan .  It's helped his cat tremendously and he swears by it.  Then casting director and lover of animals Paul Palo, contacted me with another option.  He's been working closely with Dr. Rachel Jones DVM (daughter of Quincy) and the effects of Microlight 830 laser on degenerative joint and bone problems in dogs and cats.  This low level laser therapy has shown amazing results in pets and people in pain.

It's GREAT to have so many options now available to pet owners like me.  What will Bailey do?  Stay tuned!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Wacko Callback

  OK, it's just plain cliche to complain about traffic in LA, but this afternoon's travels from the westside to Sherman Oaks, took an hour and 15 minutes.  We're talking about an 18 mile trip.  What is that???  And the fun didn't stop there!  Nope, when I arrived seven minutes late to my commercial callback (Yes, I had a commercial callback!  First one in... some time), the casting assistant informed me she'd just called my agent looking for me.  Yikes!  Is that all?  No!  I always have had faith that this city does indeed weed out the wackos.  Not fool proof, I'm afraid.  Ran into the biggest wacko I've ever had to work with minutes later at the callback.  I hate to name call, but I was in a class with her and she managed to piss off every single person there.  Never seen anything like it.  Talk about getting thrown a curve ball right before the big moment.  She approached me, of course.  (Why?)  I failed miserably at pretending I didn't know her.  Busted.  Barf.   Callback went pretty well, though!  

If I book it, do I have to start saying I like the valley?  Nah!  

Happy almost end of the week!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Cleaning!

  Much like my friend and fellow actress Summer Harlow (who is awesome in "Nanny Interviews," a web-series due out later this year!), I have always liked to give my body and organs a break once or twice a year.  I used to do the Master Cleanse (AKA lemonade diet).... which despite the criticisms it has attracted, I think is a great, effective, and cost effective way to get the job done.  Well this year, my dependency on caffeine and just mental block against the idea of not eating for 10 days, is inspiring me to look for another alternative.  And Summer Harlow has one!

Summer's friend (who is also a medical intuitive introduced her to a cleanse by Standard Process.  It's a 21 day cleanse, but you can eat all the veggies and fruits you want and then on day 11 you even can eat protein.

Drawbacks?  Well aside from the fact that it shares the same name as the Church of Scientology training course (Purification Program), the website indicates that you have to buy it through a medical professional.  A few different sites do appear to sell it.  Price on  Around $235:  Standard Process - Purification Product Kit with Whole Food Fiber  

Hmm... A whole lot pricier than spicy lemonade, but I'm still inclined to give it a try.  

Thoughts anyone?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Healthy America!!!

  I think the hardest thing for me the past 24 hours is listening to the rash of misinformation regarding the healthcare reform legislation.  Really intelligent people complaining about now having to deal with universal healthcare in our country.  Sure, we're all busy, but if you have the time to post on Facebook about how our socialist President is dooming our country, why not take the time to actually read what you're bitching about?  If you haven't read it yet, I urge you to read what was passed yesterday. Healthcare Reform 2010 

No, we don't have universal healthcare today.  Yes, you can keep your current coverage.  And yes, it will cost money to provide access to health insurance for our millions of our fellow Americans who need it and deserve it.

It is obvious to me that it's a humanitarian issue, all people should have the right to be taken care of when they're sick.  Or when they're not sick, but might get sick.  Pretty sure our unalienable rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness included the right to stay alive and healthy without going broke.

Everyone has their own opinions on this, and if you're lucky enough to not have any of your own stories about how the U.S. healthcare system failed you or a loved one, maybe you can't see yet how monumental this is.   

IT PASSED!!!  Can't believe it finally happened.  Good day USA :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Healthcare Please!

  Most women at least, probably remember when Christina Applegate was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2008.  She underwent a double mastectomy at age 36 after she found a cancerous lump in one breast.  This was significant to me because she had tested positive for the BRCA1 breast cancer gene, something that runs in my family.  The testing for this gene is incredibly expensive, upwards of $3000.   When my first cousin was diagnosed with breast cancer last year at age 38, and tested positive for the BRCA1 gene, I knew I had to get tested.  Being uninsured, this was an obstacle.  After dozens of emails and phone calls, I finally arranged to have my test done for free by a research lab in Canada and UCLA agreed to do my genetic counseling, also for free.  The drawback?  I was tested in August of 2009 and my results are still pending.  Still waiting for the call.

The real drawback?  Why should any woman, or person, in my situation be forced to go to such lengths to preserve and protect my health?  And what if my test comes back positive?  Regular breast MRI testing is imperative to detect cancerous cells in high-risk patients... also incredibly expensive.  

This is just one reason why I am so excited about the healthcare legislation passing through Congress today.  Today I am insured, but this legislation will help people around the country who suffer from pre-existing conditions and were previously categorized as uninsurable.  Being sick shouldn't mean going broke, or going untreated.  It's too expensive?  So are two wars.  But what we really can't afford is to be terrorized anymore by the healthcare industry.  

It is a great day for America!!  Now if Canada could just hurry things along on those test results...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Park Your Funny Here

  At a  friend's small birthday dinner last week, I met the quiet, rather unassuming Randall Park.  Well, I had met once before, at around 4 AM, when we worked together on Working Bug's very funny short film Donation.  But he was dressed as a homeless man and I was still waking up.  This night, I immediately recognized him from several film and TV roles and a very funny K-Y Intense commercial, currently running.  It was the night before his chemistry read for the Fox comedy pilot, "Tax Man" which he indeed, booked.  I left thinking he was such a nice, intelligent guy.  Then I looked him up on youtube and found out he is one of the funniest people on the planet.  He does something really well, that far few funny people are ever any good at: stand up!  I am such a critic of what's funny and I was seriously laughing out loud in my office.  Randall has libraries of short films and web-series online and I recommend watching, well all of them!  If you don't find him funny, your brain may not be working correctly.  

I love seeing good people succeed and it's so inspiring when the person is as hard-working and prolific as Randall is.                GO RANDALL!!!        

Friday, March 19, 2010

For the Joy of Joy!

  I very often say something far too few actors ever say.  I LOVE MY MANAGER!  I'm represented by the wonderful Joy Stevenson at Stevenson Talent Management.  She's been in business... well, longer than anyone I know (we'll leave it at that!).  She has an outstanding reputation and every casting director I meet and/or audition for, knows and loves her.    

Her clients are never just someone on a list they remember meeting that one time.  She welcomes my questions, concerns, and comments all the time, often returning even my late night emails with little delay.  And more importantly than anything, she gets me.  She consistently sends me out for roles that I'm right for and I can say without a doubt, works solely in my best interest.  I feel SO blessed to have her working for me.  My fear?  That she'll retire!  How could I possibly find another manager who would come close to matching up?  I try not to think about it and I just look forward to making her rich before that dreadful day!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

What You Do Best!

  Lots of people can be good at lots of different things.  Renaissance men, (or women) if you will, are certainly out there, but I think for the most part people should stick to what they do best and really hone in on, to be the best they can be at that.  Which is exactly why Jessica Simpson should stay away from the sets of lame romantic comedies and say "NO" to any future reality TV show ideas.  And I'm no fan of the hair extensions, shoes or other threads and accessories she slings (but perhaps I'm alone on that).  And I like her.  She's a very pretty, GOOD singer!  Isn't that enough to work on?  Why does she need to torture herself with embarrassing acting perfomances and sad reality TV ratings?  Her newest bomb The Price of Beauty on VH1 (speaking of stick to music, ahem!) raked in a sad one million viewers for its premiere Monday night.  Yikes!

I love acting but I know what I'm best at - comedy.  I don't chase down crime drama casting directors or spend hours learning how to street fight on camera.  Could I tackle other types of roles in films and TV?  Yes, but why?  I love being the wacky, funny, ditzy, sometimes violent and destructive characters I play.  And being the best I can at that is enough for me.  Getting paid for it would be good too...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Uncut Me!

I might be recession proof.  Not just because I work for the government and am very resourceful at getting stuff for free (ya know, like genetic blood testing in Canada, that kind of thing).  I have been finding the best deals I can on everything I need and want since I could say, "charge it."  Or rather since I stopped saying "charge it." Which I really wish I'd never said.  That's why I've been going to Henry Peck at Uncut Hair for years now.  Marveling as it is, even on Beverly Blvd in Hollywood you can get good hair for not much money.  Not a fancy place, but who cares?  I'd much rather get a great price on a haircut than be offered a glass of wine I don't need (which inevitably I'll have when I get home anyway).  Henry's GREAT.  Prices?  He's an equal opportunity kind of guy, same prices for men and women.  A haircut runs you $30, color $55 and up.  Do make an appointment: Henry (323) 580-4447 And tip him well.  At those prices for his work , you'd better!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Easy, Green & Happy!

  Can I just talk about a few things I love?  Ok, if you read my post Demo What? you heard me talk about how important it is these days for actors to "show, not tell" what they do best, and that there's really no excuse these days for an actor not to have a demo reel.  And while you originally may want to use one of the amazing demo reel editors I mentioned in that post, how about keeping it updated? Yourself?  I'm not edgy nor cool enough to own a Mac, so I have to settle for Windows Movie Maker... which I LOVE!!!  It's SO super easy.  Here's the latest cut of my reel I updated this afternoonThe Beth Shea Demo Reel  

OK, my last name is Shea, my dog's name is Bailey, yup I'm Irish.  And I love that wearing green tomorrow drastically narrows down my outfit choices ( I always pick out my work clothes the night before, a chore I LOATHE!).  I love that "Flash Forward" is coming back on Thursday and I LOVE that my handsome man is working from home now :)  And that he's keeping my other handsome man company.  Happiness is good!!  

Monday, March 15, 2010

Working Bugs!

Everyone needs a good laugh, it just feels good!  And if you read my post, "Attractive"  you might know that Abraham-Hick says it IS good to feel good.  So, to achieve that right now, check out this very funny short film I'm in, Donation.  It's written and produced by the amazing Leyna Juliet Weber and Annie Lukowski of Working Bug Productions and if you're a fan of Kym Whitley , well if you're not, you will be after this! I play a flower lady, raising money for important rodent causes.  Great cast, great writing, great execution.  And it's no surprise.  You might have heard of Working Bug Productions last year when they launched the hit web-series, "Road to the Altar," starring Jaleel White (you probably remember him as Urkel from "Family Matters") and the always fabulous Leyna Juliet Weber.  It's a hilarious mockumentary-style look at wedding planning and all that happens leading up to the big "I do!"  I appear in episode one as Mary the wedding planner Check out all ten episodes, so well done!  It's no wonder "Road to the Altar" got attention and praise from EXTRA!, Entertainment Tonight, TV Guide, Huffington Post, and Access Hollywood, to name a few.  I see GREAT things from Working Bug in the future, which is probably why I'm partnering with them on a web-series currently in development called "A Series of Unfortunate People."  Stay tuned!

Avila Beach -- The Round-UP!

Overall we had a very relaxing getaway to a little beach town just outside of San Luis Obispo, CA called Avila Beach.  Should you ever have the pleasure of visiting, here are a few do's and don'ts, based on my experience:  DO stay at the Avila Village Extremely reasonable rates, friendly staff, great rooms (we had a private hot tub on the balcony, ahh), fresh coffee in the lobby at all times AND fresh baked yummy cookies daily for the guests!  DO bring or rent bikes and take a ride down to Front St.  Very bike-friendly area... Also VERY dog-friendly (although Bailey stayed at a friend's).  We saw big dog bowls full of water everywhere and you can take your pup on the beach before 10am and after 5pm. DO stop on Front St. at the very cool, beachfront Wildwood Winery for a $5 wine tasting (7 wines).  Bike ride back to the hotel was a bit challenging.  DO have a nice dinner at Gardens of Avila at Sycamore Mineral Springs Resort  And get the mussels!  Delicious, delightful, loved it!  DO grab a quick lunch or dinner at the Avila Beach Deli on Front St. or the Avila Village Market.  And DEFINITELY get a massage from Trish at the Avila Bay Club and Spa  She has a background in medical massage and is amazing and very reasonable.  And my massage went about 15 minutes longer than it should have :). OK, the don'ts: DON'T go to the Custom House Restaurant on Front St.  I ended up writing a complaint email to the manager:
Hi Hope, Last night around 6:15 I came into your restaurant and was greeted by a friendly hostess who instructed me to order from the bar when I told her I wanted to get something to go.  After waiting a good ten minutes, a clearly in the weeds bartender for no apparent reason, told me, "We don't do to-go orders."  OK, if that's your store policy, why didn't the hostess know?  And then he double-checked with the other tattooed, tank-topped bartender (or possibly manager -- was that you?) who didn't bother giving me the respect of even looking at me but instructed to the other bartender that I could get pizza through the door to the side of the bar. I've worked in food in beverage for 16 years in the capacity from hostess to manager I am comfortable saying that all of this was unacceptable and COMPLETELY unnecessary.  Was insulted and felt ill-treated.  Will not be returning to your establishment.
Lastly unless you like so-so wine and watery coffee, DON'T go the Avila Wine and Roasting Company.  Nice guy running the stuffy little place, though.

I Want a WHAT???

  Like most businesses, in show business, relationships are everything.  It’s always who you know or who your agent knows that gets you in doors.  Clients often end up leaving their agents if those relationships don’t turn into auditions or jobs.  How you behave on set goes a long way to dictate the kind of and number of relationships you’ll make or break in your career.  Certainly, relationships can certainly mean the difference between getting the job or not.  A good friend of mine is an actress with a great relationship to a director/producer.  She’s married to him.  And while he hasn’t cast her in an Oscar-nominated role just yet, he’s certainly given her career a much-deserved boost.  That’s a relationship few actresses would want to break.  Unless you’re Kate Winslet.  Married to Sam Mendes, who in fact has cast her in a role that won her several awards including a Golden Globe (Revolutionary Road) and  several other nominations.  OK, he's not an amazing-looking guy, but clearly they should have had enough to talk about?  Apparently, not enough to hold that glue, and after seven years of marriage, ending in a reportedly amicable split.  Her second split, her second ended relationship... with a director!  She divorced Jim Threapleton in 2001.  OK, he wasn't a director yet, but still, if not a business relationship, a relationship in the business.  And while I don't think anyone should stay in a relationship that doesn't make them happy, it's shocking to me how many show business marriages and marriages in general that end!  Wouldn't you at least consider the cost of the wedding before filing those divorce papers?  All that money, for nothing!  Yikes!  I doubt that crossed Winslet's mind, but didn't she at least the consider the five films Mendes has in development at the moment?  Guess not.  Maybe it's that Oscar she has at home.  

Sunday, March 14, 2010

"Celebrity" Apprentice, Hold Your Lunch

  Not the first time I've been disgusted by the actions of Donald Trump, but this is special.  Rod Blagojevich never needed another nano-second in any kind of spotlight.  When asked why the selection of this dreg of humanity, Trump's answer was honest and simple "publicity."  In case you forgot, honest is not a word associated with the shamed ex-governor of Illinois.  Blagojevich was removed from office after he was caught trying to sell the U.S. Senate seat vacated by President Obama, among other acts of corruption.  He will compete on "Celebrity Apprentice" this season along with Bret Michaels, Cyndi Lauper, Sharon Osborne, Holly Robinson Peete, Sinbad, some athletes, and other people I'd never heard of.  Who will win?  Perhaps the bigger question is, who will watch?  The two-hour premiere starts tonight at 9 PM on NBC.  Two hours?  Doesn't Holly Robinson Peete, at least, see that this is programming time that could be used to employ actors in her own unions?  It's all for charity?  On the surface maybe, but if you ask me it's all for Trump.  Well, ratings don't lie and I'm not watching.  Could this be the final season?  Please?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Scariest of Lakes!

Last night I attended the premiere of The Lake : The Lake trailer This well-written, well-directed, well-acted, well-monstered, all around well-made (and yes, scary!) short film, is the newest from Just Chorizo Productions.  Written and directed by Jason Dodson, who made his directorial debut in 2007 with the drama, The Accident , The Lake tells the story of a body of water, once believed to have healing powers, which drew in terminally-ill patients, seeking its potential.   But what happened to all those patients who came looking for a miracle?  A few young campers are about to find out!  Production Stills from The Lake  

And speaking of potential, The Lake has it.  Dodson's plans to turn the short into a feature are in the works, alongside producers Henry Saine and Colin Ebeling.  Saine, cousin of Dodson, recently made news when his first ever feature film The Last Lovecraft: The Relic of Cthulhu, made it into the Slamdance Film Festival, then landed a distribution deal with Dark Sky Films.  Oh, and who could forget Henry Saine's first two hilarious shorts Not in My Family and Love Royale, starring and written by Beth Shea and Leigh Hall?  

When will the feature version of The Lake hit a theater near you?  Stay tuned!