Saturday, May 1, 2010

In The Pool

I would like to take this opportunity to thank whoever invented carpool lanes.  Yes, trying to get out of LA on a Friday at 5:00 is a poor idea, noted.  But imagine how much worse it was for couples and families making that same ambitious decision before the HOV lane was over there, to the left (thank you Beyonce, also).

Left me wondering, how many of these vehicles in front of or behind us are actually carpooling?  As in, sharing one vehicle to work or school.  Aside from soccer moms trading off chauffeur duties, how many people in LA really use the HOV for its true intended purpose, to reward high occupancy vehicles, and get more cars off the road, thus relieving congestion?  I saw what looked like lots of couples, possibly family members, but not anyone I'd guess were co-workers.

Here's to a great weekend with a friend or two to make you HOV ready!

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