Friday, April 9, 2010

Bailey Says...

  A lot.  And while I can tell  pretty clearly when he wants something, when he's angry, stressed out, wants to play, or go outside, I certainly don't think I could translate for him.  Wouldn't you know, a company in Japan says they can!  And they've been selling their dog translation device since 2002!  What??  Did I hear about this and assume it was a joke?  Probably.

The Japan Ringing Tone Laboratory in Tokyo developed "Bowlingual" to translate dog barks into human language.  It comes with a handset and a microphone you attach to your dog's collar and claims to be able to analyse emotions ranging from joy to frustration to sadness, and says things like, "Play with me!"  

Cool!  Or crap?  Pretty sure I already know when my dog is feeling those ways or wants to play.  And $79.99? I wouldn't go so far as to call it a gadget, but maybe a fun, over-priced toy for kids.

But translating your dog's barks isn't all that The Japan Ringing Tone Laboratory claims to be capable of.  Looking for love?  They've got a ringtone you can download to attract members of the opposite sex.  And just in time for allergy season, they've released a ringtone that claims to cure hayfever.  Yep, apparently the ringtone releases waves that shake out pollen stuck in the user's nose.

Got a problem?  The Japan Ringing Tone Laboratory claims to have an answer.  Other therapeutic ringtones help you lose weight, digest food, quit smoking and relieve shoulder pain.  

Should we buy into this??  It's Japanese for goodness sakes!  They gave us sushi, Kawasaki, Toyota!  Oh yeah... poor Toyota. 

Anything they could do to make my phone ring?  Preferably with booking news?  That would be nice!

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