Monday, March 15, 2010

I Want a WHAT???

  Like most businesses, in show business, relationships are everything.  It’s always who you know or who your agent knows that gets you in doors.  Clients often end up leaving their agents if those relationships don’t turn into auditions or jobs.  How you behave on set goes a long way to dictate the kind of and number of relationships you’ll make or break in your career.  Certainly, relationships can certainly mean the difference between getting the job or not.  A good friend of mine is an actress with a great relationship to a director/producer.  She’s married to him.  And while he hasn’t cast her in an Oscar-nominated role just yet, he’s certainly given her career a much-deserved boost.  That’s a relationship few actresses would want to break.  Unless you’re Kate Winslet.  Married to Sam Mendes, who in fact has cast her in a role that won her several awards including a Golden Globe (Revolutionary Road) and  several other nominations.  OK, he's not an amazing-looking guy, but clearly they should have had enough to talk about?  Apparently, not enough to hold that glue, and after seven years of marriage, ending in a reportedly amicable split.  Her second split, her second ended relationship... with a director!  She divorced Jim Threapleton in 2001.  OK, he wasn't a director yet, but still, if not a business relationship, a relationship in the business.  And while I don't think anyone should stay in a relationship that doesn't make them happy, it's shocking to me how many show business marriages and marriages in general that end!  Wouldn't you at least consider the cost of the wedding before filing those divorce papers?  All that money, for nothing!  Yikes!  I doubt that crossed Winslet's mind, but didn't she at least the consider the five films Mendes has in development at the moment?  Guess not.  Maybe it's that Oscar she has at home.  

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